My husband never cares about my emotions. No babies yet!



 Emotions play a very important role to 

Strengthen our relationship. There are many who into this world, have various different kinds of illness, based on our diet, our lifestyle, or because of hereditary,because of which there tends to be difficulty for a women to conceive and in man because of sperm count being less and erection Problems.

There are some illness which we create, because of stress or by getting into depression. 

Today I am going to talk about stress and depression, which takes place because of our emotions.


If you are angry with someone, it is upto you if you want to think good about the opposite person or think bad. The longer time you take to calm yourself down,  and think positive about the person, with whom you had a fight, there will always be a stress within you, either for few days,and even though after many days you get normal, the moment you see the person again with whom you had a fight, the past incident once again triggers you, and you again waste your time, thinking negative and spoil your time or a day thinking negative about the person. 

When you start thinking negative and waste your precious time about a person with whom you had a fight, do you ever know by you taking stress, will that effect the opposite person No? Than why do we have to keep thinking negative  and later go into depression. 


There are some who are very emotional people, once any such incident triggers, they go into their flashback thinking about all those people who have abandoned them or hurt them since childhood and keep crying. 

By now we all know how important it is to think practical and be positive in life rather than just being emotional and negative. 


There are reasons, why people say opposite attract each other, it's for a simple fact, If one partner  tends to be angry than the other partner needs to calm down,or else situation may get worse and serious if both the partners are angry kind of a person. 

The reason most of the love marriages fails, one reason is because of lack of understanding in relationship, ego problems, and lack of forgiveness. 

There are most of marriages even when there are fights and arguments at home. They stay together to show others all is well, but there is no sex in their relationship and does they don't have any babies. At some times, even when there is sex, but during pregnancy, because of stress miscarriage happens. 

Stress problems in our day today society is going on increasing at a faster pace.Do you really want to end this problem once and for all.How can you do it. 

Today I am going to share 2 stories with 2 different situations. How because of emotions and ego problem the married life gets effected,if you don't happen to be positive, it effects a women either  not to conceive or make a woman don't have sex, with their  partner. 

1st Situation :-

Couples  named Roy and Mary both had a strong personality, by strong I mean both were hard working,  very committed towards their work they did. 


The only Problem both had was an excessive anger disorder. Whenever they had an argument they used to not talk to each other for many days. Again when they used to start talking there were still conflicts between the two for silly reasons. 


Both had an ego problem, because of which it effected on their sexual life too. Though it was a love marriage initially everything was perfect, they used to enjoy sex taking precautions until  3 years, since both had different Commitments towards their  work. Later when both grew in their profession, they used to hardly meet each other because of their pressure at work. 


Once both of them  Roy and Mary had been to outstation because of some work, late night when Mary returned from work there was no electricity at home due to power failure some how Mary managed to sleep. In the morning when she went to kitchen to cook she saw gas not functioning and she had told Roy to get the gas Problem resolve,but Roy had forgotten to do that. 


Same Morning when Roy entered the house from his busy schedule, Mary started yelling at Roy for not being responsible. Roy had come home tired from his busy work and listening to his wife yelling at him, even he started yelling at her, later it resulted in huge argument and both went into their room. Both stopped talking to each other Almost for more than a week. 

On ones birthday they stopped wishing each other, later on their anniversary they both did not care and preferred not to stay home on such special days. 


Because of each one's ego problems, both never said sorry to each other and the problems between them kept on increasing. 


They both cared less for each ones emotions which later made them avoid doing sex.Its been over a year now both stopped having sex with each other. 


Roy and Mary did not wanted to go for a divorce since both are at a good position at work and everyone  respects them. But they both showed less affection to each other and does resulting no sex no baby at home. 

Solution: Well friends in this fast and competition world, we always want to show others, that we are best when comes to  luxurious house and a luxurious Car. 


But we forget to show our affection,love and to forgive whenever required to our closed ones. From the story above Roy and Mary, both had an ego problem. It was only because of their ego problem,  they were not able to get close again as they had before neither both tried to show their love to each other which resulted not having a baby. 


Someone needs to make that first attempt to forgive and get close to each other again. If not Roy, Mary should start making an attempt to forgive Roy give him a hug, even if he shouts, remember his birthday and cook special food on special days. 


If anyone not well, each one should show their concern to stay beside their partner and give food and give them what ever they need. 

I will not say it should start first by Mary or Roy, either one should take responsibility forgetting their ego and get close to each other. Each one needs to understand by having a ego problem,they are affecting their married life and most important from becoming  parents. 

It is generally when we get old we start going to churches or Holy places more and it is than we realise what they have lost just by not forgiving. Dont wait to get retired and realise your mistake. When you really want to go for a child,women may face problems of not able to conceive because of age problem or other reasons and man may face erection or different problems. Its never too late when young, don't get stuck up with your ego problems, forgive and grow in your relationship. 


This story is about Benny and Catherine,it was an arranged marriage. Benny was a short tempered person.When he used to get angry he used to insult the opposite person to the core, because of which benny hardly had any friends.

Catherine on the other hand was very emotional person, used to take stress or go into depression if someone tells her anything that is hurting.

Catherine gets pregnant,she is in her 2nd month and Benny one fine day comes home drunk at late night. Small arguments between benny and Catherine turns out to be a heated argument.The arguments goes for a long time and benny insults Catherine a lot abuses her in anger.


Catherine since she is emotional keeps crying the whole night,she takes a lot of stress and next day she falls ill.She thinks I don't want to stay I will commit suicide along with my unborn child.


Initially when Catherine was not pregnant whenever there used to be any fights or big arguments between her and benny her husband, she used to think I don't want to live in this world.She was also suffering from anxiety and depression problem.

Now during pregnancy she started thinking the same way, how she used to think before. Catherine becomes unwell because of stress,She eats unhealthy food and takes lot of stress just crying after fews days she realises miscarriage has happen.

Solutions: Emotions plays a very important role,and it is upto us to avoid stress by taking right choices.Taking in consideration the above situation if Catherine had taken a choice of not taking stress by thinking positive may be benny had a bad day that's the reason he came drunk in the night.catherine can reflect on Benny's past behaviour of he is tensed he gets drunk argues or fights and by next day he is normal,so I should not be taking stress.


Coping up and handling your stress and anxiety problems are very necessary during pregnancy.Never just say my husband does not care about your emotions that's the reason you are not pregnant.Make right choices and forgive and move ahead in know what is right and wrong in life,if there's something that can effect your health by being stressed so avoid getting stressed.

If too much of stress, and if you are not able to handle stress it's better to consult a psychologist or psychiatric.


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