Marriages Made in Heaven ?
"Life will always be beautiful,if we look

At life in a positive way, even if we go
Through a down fall".
If we talk about marriages some may say,it is heaven and some may say it is hell. There are two different mindset in life,one is who thinks positive and the other one is
Negative towards life & towards their approach.Both have their own reasons. Lets check below with some
Powerful Questions.
1 ) What does marriage means to an
Individual in their life?
Negative MindSet : Marriages are fights,its a hell, it is a headache,bullshit and too much of restrictions,drama, and lot of painful words at times.
Positive Mindset : Marriage is beautiful,too much of restrictions means your spouse loves you a lot,they care for you and thats how they express their affection.Fights where it does not happen,forgiving
And getting together is important.Restrictions should be there at certain times to avoid further problems.
Harsh words and fights among spouse should be always considered as a challenge to better your self. It's very important to first understand your partner well,before marriage.
If anyone is into business, there are ups and downs which happens,at times there are profit, and at times there are losses,It's part of business.You tend to take a risk,by taking risk if something goes wrong,you lose 💰money.
Note very important : May be you can handle stress of losing money can your family afford to overcome stress.This is a big question you need to ask yourself.
Positive Suggestions : Too much of restrictions makes things difficult.But if for good we need to consider.Take risk in life but take a calculator risk so that your family don't go through stress.
2 ) How love plays an important role in a Marriage Life?

Negative MindSet : Love will be good when sex is good.Too much of Fight at times makes your rod in your pants go dull.This is what happens in most of the families after their first or second child.When responsibilities increase and when you are in too much of pressure specially loans,Sex tends to be less since you are under pressure and stress.In such cases many are always trying to think how to end their loans faster, to be precise sex tends to get slow.
Positive Mindset : We all have pressures into our lives.We should never consider problems effecting our sex life.Loans all togather is a different segment,If you plan well based on your earnings and have savings in your bank.You may not be under stress or pressure Always.Make your savings strong,and see when you think about Sex,you will enjoy and be good at it.Planning is very important in anything we do.Love is not just sex, when you care for small things for your family even thats Love.
Positive Suggestions : So love is life, and to make love life more beautiful sex is required,so plan your savings well and forgive whenever possible when fights at home to have a healthy Sex Life and love life.
3.) What do you have to say about marriages as a whole,can it be said " Marriages made in Heaven ".
Negative MindSet : Cannot really comment If marriages are made in heaven. There are fights if you are not able to give time at home,there are divorces which happens after getting married,many a times there are adjustments problems.So much of stress how can we say " Marriages are Made in Heaven".
Positive Mindset : To make your marriage as heaven, it is important first to know your
Partner well before marriage,to accept each other's negative things.When you know your partner well, adjustment problems should not come.Love along with sex will be active with your partner.Have a good control on your money savings in the bank to avoid stress at home, and see how your marriage turns heaven.When fights reduce and you tend to be
Responsible and take initiative in most of the things at home, than see how things changes for better.
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